Intrauterine insemination

  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI or artificial insemination).

    The IUI procedure can be an effective treatment for some causes of infertility in women under age 41. It is not effective for couples with:

    • Tubal blockage or severe tubal damage
    • Ovarian failure (menopause)
    • Severe male factor infertility
    • Severe endometriosis
    • Procedure

    • The woman usually is given medications to stimulate development of multiple eggs and insemination is timed to coincide with ovulation – release of the eggs.
    • A semen specimen is either produced at the clinic by masturbation after 2-5 days of abstinence from ejaculation
    • The semen is “washed” in the laboratory (called sperm processing or sperm washing). The sperm is separated from the other components of the semen and concentrated in a small volume. Various media and techniques can be used for the washing and separation. Sperm processing takes about 30-60 min
    • A speculum is placed in the vagina and the cervical area is gently cleaned.
    • The washed specimen of highly motile sperm is placed higher in the uterine cavity using a sterile, flexible catheter.
      We offer for the woman to remain lying down for a few minutes after the procedure, although it has not been shown to improve success. The sperm has been put above the vagina and cervix – it will not leak out when you stand up
    Success Rate:
    Varies from 15% to 20% depending on indications. How many inseminations to try before doing IVF?
      The short answer is to move on to IVF after 3 failed IUIs. If the female is age 40 or older, or ovarian reserve low, consider IVF earlier. IVF-ICSI has a significantly higher success rate as compared to IUI
  • How important is timing of the IUI? Any insemination should be carefully timed to occur at or a little before the time of ovulation. We know that in some couples, sperm can remain viable in the female reproductive tract and result in fertilization of an egg for five days (after having sex).
  • Risks of artificial insemination in women
    The risk for complications with intrauterine insemination is very low. The woman could develop an infection in the uterus and tubes from bacterial contamination that originated either in the semen sample, or through a contamination of the sterile catheter in the vagina or cervical area during the procedure. Careful cleaning of the cervix and cautious technique make this a rarity.

    Cost of artificial insemination treatment
    The cost of intrauterine insemination with partner’s sperm, including semen processing is usually between INR 5000 to 10,000. If ultrasound and blood monitoring of follicle development is done there are additional charges.